A designer's role is not just to create something aesthetic, comfortable, innovative or inspiring. A designer is first and foremost a creator of a particular cultural way of life through the design of things. The deeper one understands what shapes the aesthetics and utility of a design product, the more accurately the demands of society will be met and the better the culture will be shaped and organised. He carefully studies and collects facts about man and society, about the needs and requirements, about the conditions and environment of the object, what benefits the object should bear, what its aesthetics should tell about, what it appeals to. Things and spaces created by designers are mediators who help us achieve our goals and create an excuse to engage in a particular way of life. Aware of this close relationship, we carefully select the means of creating a new design product, laying down the principles for the sustainable development of man, society and culture as a whole.

We see design as a special language, a means of communication that is understood by every modern person. It evolves spontaneously, constantly changing from decade to decade, telling of the ongoing changes in the outlook of society and culture. But one thing is unchanging - the rules of design language. To create a better and more accurate design product, we research these rules by which the image of things is formed and accurately applied in the created design products. We believe that research into and understanding of the image of things is as important as research into the physics of particles, the cosmos or the biological processes of organisms. The language with which we comprehend and cognise the world is first of all image-based, and then linguistic, mathematical, or computer-based.

Our approach to design is humanistic. We want things to stop being slaves of things and to become intermediaries on the way of human development. We believe that only by becoming aware of the essence of things, whether objects or instances of life, can a person move unhindered towards higher goals.
Dmitry Pogorelov
A Russian industrial designer, product designer, design and art theorist. Qualified as a "Researcher. Research Teacher".
Dmitry Pogorelov's design projects are being tested in nominations and awards, including:
Winner A' Design Award 2018 in the Arts, Crafts and Ready-Made Design category
Golden A' Design Award 2014 in the Home Appliances Design Category
Silver A' Design Award 2014 in the Futuristic Design Category
1st prize in the National Design Competition "Life 2.0", 2012
Dmitriy is continuing his dissertation research on the topic of his postgraduate thesis, 'Identification bases of the design image in industrial design in the context of consumption'.
In the course of the research, two design methods were developed:
- A method for developing a design image based on identifying consumer bases, to create an industrial design product;
- the method of developing a brief based on the personality traits of the individual to create a personal brand identity.
Dmitriy presents the results of his research at conferences and in articles of periodicals and editions accredited by the Higher Attestation Commission. Some publications can be found in the Articles section.
Among the intellectual property there is a patent for the utility model No.141900 "Overhead String Transport System with Cremaller" for the project "Urban Public Transit" (GOLT)
Dmitry received his first diploma in art education at the age of 12. Subsequently, in 2008, he graduated from the Ivan Fedorov Moscow Publishing and Printing College with a degree in Graphic Design. In 2014, he graduated from the Moscow Academy of Arts and Industry named after S. G. Stroganov, Department of Vehicle Design, specialist programme. Transport design is the most complex industrial design, so the acquired skills were developed not only in the creation of design products, but also laid the foundation for scientific activity, which already attracted and manifested itself in critical thinking throughout his conscious life. In 2017 Dmitry graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry with a final qualification work "Identification bases of design image in industrial design in the context of consumption" and obtained the qualification "Researcher. Teacher-researcher".
НАГРАДЫ. Дизайн-проекты Дмитрия Погорелова проходят апробацию в номинациях и премиях, среди прочих наград имеются:
Winner A' Design Award 2018 Arts, Crafts and Ready-Made Design
Golden A' Design Award 2014 Home Appliances Design Category
Silver A' Design Award 2014 Futuristic Design Category
1 место во Всероссийском конкурсе дизайна «Жизнь 2.0», 2012



"In things we recreate ourselves, our particular way of thinking and acting"

Дмитрий начал свою деятельность в области искусства в 5 лет. Впоследствии, в 2008 году был окончен Московский издательско-полиграфический колледж им. Ивана Федорова по специальности "Графический дизайн". В 2014 году окончена Московская художественно-промышленная академия им. С.Г. Строганова, кафедра "Дизайн средств транспорта", программа специалитета. Транспортный дизайн — это самый сложный промышленный дизайн, поэтому полученные навыки получили развитие не только в создании дизайн-продуктов, но и заложили базу для научной деятельности, которая и так притягивала к себе и проявлялась в критическом мышлении всю сознательную жизнь. В 2017 году Дмитрий оканчивает программу аспирантуры МГХПА им. С.Г. Строганова по специальности "Искусствоведение" с защитой выпускной квалификационной работы "Идентификационные основания проектного образа в промышленном дизайне в контексте потребления" и получением квалификации "Исследователь. Преподаватель-исследователь".
A Russian industrial designer, product designer, design and art theorist. Holds the qualification "Researcher. Teacher Researcher".
Dmitry Pogorelov's design projects are being tested in nominations and awards, with other awards including:
Winner A' Design Award 2018 in the Arts, Crafts and Ready-Made Design category
Golden A' Design Award 2014 in the Home Appliances Design Category
Silver A' Design Award 2014 in the Futuristic Design Category
1st prize in the National Design Competition "Life 2.0", 2012
Dmitry is continuing his dissertation research on the topic of his postgraduate thesis, 'Identification bases of the design image in industrial design in the context of consumption'.
In the course of the research, two design methods were developed:
- A method for developing a design image based on identifying consumer bases, to create an industrial design product;
- the method of developing a brief based on the personality traits of the individual to create a personal brand identity.
Dmitriy presents the results of his research at conferences and in articles of periodicals and editions accredited by the Higher Attestation Commission. Some publications can be found in the Articles section.
Among the intellectual property there is a patent for the utility model No.141900 "Overhead String Transport System with Cremaller" for the project "Urban Public Transit" (GOLT)

Dmitry began his career in the arts at the age of 5. Subsequently, in 2008, he graduated from the Ivan Fedorov Moscow Publishing and Printing College with a degree in Graphic Design. In 2014, graduated from the Moscow Academy of Arts and Industry named after S. G. Stroganov, Department of Vehicle Design, specialist programme. Transport design is the most complex industrial design, so the acquired skills were developed not only in the creation of design products, but also laid the foundation for scientific activity, which already attracted and manifested itself in critical thinking throughout his conscious life. In 2017 Dmitry graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry with a final qualification work "Identification bases of design image in industrial design in the context of consumption" and obtained the qualification "Researcher. Teacher-researcher".

Winner A' Design Award 2018 Arts, Crafts and Ready-Made Design
Golden A' Design Award 2014 Home Appliances Design Category
Silver A' Design Award 2014 Futuristic Design Category
1 место во Всероссийском конкурсе дизайна «Жизнь 2.0», 2012
"In things we recreate ourselves, our particular way of thinking and actions"
В вещах мы воссоздаем нас самих, наш особый образ мыслей и действий